Friday, February 26, 2016

Making the world a better place    
... is Owairaka's over-arching learning theme for 2016. 
The vision in the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) is for our young people to become confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners.  There is a future focus on sustainability, and on learners that value the environment and care for ecology.
'What can I do to make the world a better place?'   
'What can we do to make the world a better place?'
"Mō tātou te taiao ko te atawhai, mō tātou te taiao ko te oranga"
"It is for us to care for and look after the environment to ensure its well-being, in doing so we ensure our own well-being and that of our future generations." ...from Education for Sustainability - TKI

The five Enviroschools Guiding Principles are integrated in much of the learning and action we undertake at Owairaka.

Empowered Students are enabled to participate in a meaningful way in the life of their early childhood centre or school. Their unique perspectives are valued for the knowledge and insight that they bring, and they are supported to take action for real change.
The principle of Learning for Sustainability recognises the types of teaching and learning that foster student empowerment, decision-making, action and sustainable outcomes.

The principle of Māori Perspectives honours the status of tangata whenua in this land and the value of indigenous knowledge in enriching and guiding learning and action.

Respect for the Diversity of People and Cultures acknowledges the unique gifts, contributions and perspectives of individuals and groups, reinforcing the need for participatory decision-making in Enviroschools.
Sustainable Communities act in ways that nurture people and nature, now and in the future, to maintain the health and viability of our environment, society, culture and economy.
From Enviroschools website

Watch out for Green Week (21-24 March) this Term (Term 1, 2016).  

Sunday, February 14, 2016

We are getting to know our Learners - Super!
'Growing Great Learners'
@ Owairaka

New Zealand's two national curriculum documents, The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and Te Marautanga Aotearoa, place the 'learner at the centre of teaching and learning'.

Staff at Owairaka value getting to know 'our learners' (and their families) - This is a 'must'.    
Success of teaching and learning is founded on the quality of the relationship built between the teacher and the students.  Relationship building (and maintaining) is a dynamic and on-going opportunity.

Ko te akonga te putake o te ako - the learner is at the centre of the teaching and learning.

         Be Organised Our focus over the next few weeks.

How did you model being organised today?

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Growing Great Learners...Hooray!
As we start our learning year together ... 
We will again focus on developing the attributes/qualities/skills that feature within our 
'Growing Great Learners' Profile.

At the moment we have a particular focus on Manners.

'Manners' certainly make a great impression on others.

Thank you 
Owairaka School!  

When practicing good manners, we are respectful and showing those around us that we are considerate of their feelings

It is great to be back for the 2016 Learning Year!

A special welcome to our new students and their families.

A fabulous comment from a Year 3 student on our first day: 'It just feels magical to be at school again.'